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Australian Birds

Australia is home to a wide variety of birds, more than 700 species are regularly seen in the country each year. Of these 700 species, over 300 are found nowhere else on Earth and are therefore classified as endemics. These endemics are spread across 49 different families and are found throughout the entire country. Many are found in the tropical rainforests of the north while others are found throughout the remote deserts of the central region. It is these endemic species that I sought out and in the process traveled much of the Australian continent.

During my travels, I saw 585 different species, 297 of which were classified as endemics. Of those 585 species, I photograped 377 total species and 214 endemics. My goal was to see 600 total species and photograph half of them. As far as endemics are concerned, I wanted to see 300 species and photograph two-thirds of them. I didn't quite get to my total species goals but I was thrilled with what I did accomplish during my travels.

For a complete list of the species I saw and photographed, please go to the following links.

Complete Species List - Click HERE


Photographed Species List - Click HERE


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