I should have known better than to try and see two of the most elusive birds in Australia on Friday the 13th. Needless to say, no luck today. That being said, it was by no means a bad day. Imanaged to pick up another three new birds, all endemic to the southwest. I was able to photograph two birds that until now, I had very few images of, and all in all, it was a nice day. I started off in Watchinicup National Park where I had camped last night. Following fairly detailed instructions, Iset out to look for teh Noisy Scrub-bird. To my surprise, the area was pretty much silent. The Scrub-bird wasn't even calling. I then moved on to another location where I hoped for Western Bristlebird. Again, nothing. I did manage to get the above shot of a Welcome Swallow taking off from a perch, definately worth my trouble.
Idecided to move on and try the other side of the national park, accessible through the town of Cheyne Beach After moving into the caravan park for a couple nights, I went for a walk. This time I did hear the Noisy Scrub-bird and I am pretty sure I heard Western Whipbird as well. No luck seeing them though but I didn't try too hard either. After returning to the campsite, I also realised I had taken the wrong path. Tomorrow morning I will try again and see what I can find, this time on the correct track.