As I have mentioned several times in this weblog, one my my favorite familyies of birds are the rails and crakes. During my time here I have been forunate to be able to photograph several of them but Australain Spotted Crake had so far eluded me. I saw some one morning in Sydney but my photos didn't come out. Dave promised me some chances at these birds. Dave once again delivered on his promise and got me set up in a small local wetland. Within a matter of minutes, Ihad several Spotted and a couple of Baillon's Crakes in teh water within a few meters of me. It was crake heaven! By the end of an hour or so, I had decided there were at least 15 Australian Spotted Crakes and probably a half dozen Baillon's all within about 5 meters of me, some as close as two meters. The above image is one of my favorites from the morning.
After a spectacular morning with the crakes, Dave showed me some spots for Painted Honeyeaters as well as some other local birds. I dropped him off to go about his business and I headed back out to Binya State Forest to see if I could get photos of the Painted Honeyeaters. Sure enough, without too much trouble I was able to get a couple frames of this black, white, and yellow bird. I will try and post one in the next few days.