Today made two days in a row when I didn't take any photos but that sure wasn't because I haven't been trying. This morning I went out after a Red-lored Whistler. I spent a couple hours driving through suitable habitat and stopping to listen for there call. Twice, I thought I might have heard one but when I headed off into the Mallee to find it, they stopped calling so I couldn't actually locate them. In general, the Mallee was pretty quiet except for a few patches of activity.
Since I had figued my chances for this bird were rather slim, Iheaded on down the road this afternoon and moved into the northern end of Wyperfield National Park. About the time I arrived, the overcast sky started to look a bit daunting and by the time I had eaten some dinner it started to rain. The rest of the eveoing was spent sitting in the car catching up on some writing and such while it rained lightly off an on for a few hours. It is supposed to cool off again tonight and be nice tomorrow so we will see what it is like then.